My sister, Jennifer Hamilton Calvert, recently sent me a fascinating email about her original thoughts regarding ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder). They raise important questions that are worth publishing and certainly indicate the need for a more appropriate name for ADHD people – – “energetically sensitive” instead of “disabled.”  Here are her thoughts:  (Thanks, Jen!)

1. Is our electronic stuff — our very airwaves zapping super-sensitives among us?

2. Are ADHD people simply absorbing and “trying” to ratchet down these frequencies — human modulators trying to absorb for us a too-large sort of energy buzz and entanglement?

3. Are they trying to “fix” all this unconsciously?

4. Are they “the canaries in the wells”?

5. Are all these recent frequencies creating more splits in right brain/left brain activity?

6. Is meditation, therefore, showing the way to re-align humanity’s “out-of-whackness”?

7. Does Yoga help this as well?

8. Does “Namaste” — hands coming together — bring left brain and right brain together? Brain function in Stroke studies have shown that there are different centers in the different hemispheres of the brain for particular functions. (Alignment of being and doing?) I’m also remembering paintings with hands in prayer — virtually same as “Namaste.”



“You don’t change the old by resisting it, but by making it obsolete through superior methodology, not by talking about it but by building an artifact.” – –  F. Buckminster Fuller.

(Pssssst!  By the way, Hamilton Learning Foundation is committed to building an artifact.)


“Common Core,” a testing mechanism invented by Achieve, Inc. and funded by the Gates Foundation, was put rather quickly into place as a way to improve achievement levels in grades 1-12.  It is causing much consternation among students, depression among teachers and needed debate all across the U. S.

Four Knox County high school seniors with grade point averages of 4.0 or above have joined in,  and one, Ethan Young, electrified a large roomful of school board members and constituents with his passionate speech that “went viral” with 600,000 hits by the next day.

See what YOU think.  You can probably easily guess what I think!




The New York Times op ed columnist, David Brooks, recently posted some interesting comments about children and learning that rang true and ended with a bit of advice:

“Liberate yourself from the self-censoring labels you began to tell yourself over the course of your mis-education… The only way to stay fully alive is to dive down to your obsessions six fathoms deep. Down there it’s possible to make progress toward fulfilling your terrifying longing which is the experience that produces the joy.”

As one who has done just this, I can testify to this truth.  Even as I struggle with daunting or tedious tasks, there is a fierce joy and delicious excitement in my obsession that keeps me afloat and moving.
