Don’t you just love it when something you’ve always secretly thought suddenly appears in print, especially when written by a genius visionary truth teller?  That happened this week. It was something so obvious that it shouldn’t need discussion.  But all over the world the practice continues day after weary day.
Here ’tis:
“All people have their own chromosomal patterns.  No two persons have the same appetite at the same time.  There is no reason why they should.  There is no reason why everyone should be interested in the geography of Venezuela on the same day and hour unless there is some “news” event there, such as a revolution.  However, most of us are going to be interested in the geography of Venezuela at some time – – our own time – – but not all on the same day.  SIMULTANEOUS CURRICULA ARE OBSOLETE.”
                                                                                         R. Buckminster Fuller
There.  I know the textbook companies want this practice to continue, but should they be allowed to override our common sense?




It is only during the last few centuries that the human species has been able to use its brain to think about its brain and to wonder with its brain just what the upper limits of this amazing organ might be.

We still have no idea of these limits and the more evidence we collect, the more it looks possible that perhaps there are no upper limits!

Here is an astonishing clip about a blind man who has learned to get around as a bat does, sending out noises and perceiving the echoes that return to his ears to discern his environment.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”  – – Marianne Williamson



Walking Across Egypt by Clyde Edgerton is one of the most totally delightful and hilarious quick reads I’ve ever come upon.  It’s about an elderly lady, who decides to help a young shaggy haired, rotten-toothed juvenile delinquent headed for a life of serious crime.  Sweetly naïve, Mattie ignores all possibilities of danger to herself.  The take away from the book is to just keep walking across barren territory, loving and expecting no earthly rewards.

Just after finishing the book, I came across a note I had scribbled some time ago as part of an instruction manual I am writing for the Nanas in the “Nana Nook” of the learning center.  It said, “Never try to help a child you don’t feel you can love.”

When we think of all the love-needy kids who show up at every school every day, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.  How will there ever be help for all they want to do and become?

The answer is a magic trick and there are two things we can use to make it work.  And both are free!

1. Creativity fueled by imagination.  Look around you. Every thing you see in your room at this moment came into being through creative imagination.

2. Love that comes from a divine and infinite source, able to be plucked right out of the air, streamed through us and then delivered right to the child who needs it.

The very best things really are very simple.