A new calendar lies on my desk, offering within its 365 blocks, approximately 5800 hours of “awake time” for 2014.  In this world of solid matter, time is the invisible and abstract commodity we are all given in equal portions each day, to spend as we wish in our interactions on this material plane.

After the hectic holiday season, I am always grateful for cold, quiet January so I can hibernate, dream, rest, restore, repair, reorient, reboot and then crystallize plans before the seasons of blooming (IF I am wise enough to use it for these things). Once I am able to be still, the turbid waters of my mind turn clear again.

Clarity of mind in January has much to do with the achievements, disappointments,  joys or regrets of the rest of the year, still shrouded by that mysterious veil of time.

“Time is the coin of your life,” said Carl Sandburg. “It is the only coin you have and only you can determine how it will be spent.  Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.”

I needed this reminder.  Thank you, Mr. Sandburg.



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